Social Media Lessons We Can Learn From DJ Khaled’s Snapchat

DJ Khaled, Snapchat, and Social Media Etiquette

DJ Khaled is well known for loving his fans, and his fans definitely love him back. The fan-proclaimed “King” holds court on Snapchat, and his loyalists tune in throughout the day to get insights on DJ Khaled’s vibrant life. All of it.  Morning workouts, flower love, snacks with Chef Dee (his personal chef), hanging with celebs,  positive affirmations, prayer, travel, – you name it, it’s there on the SnappyChatties.

So when DJ Khaled told Jimmy Kimmel, and the world of social media, that he was going to share the birth of his first child on Snapchat if all was going well, fans chanted “Bless Up!” Millions tuned in to see hip-hop’s king of positivity bring forth his scion, who was called the “icon” by DJ Khaled.  But, was it really tew much? Was showing a birth just way out of line?

Image credit: DJ Khaled Instagram

Image credit: DJ Khaled Instagram

Know Your Brand

Well, if you’re not a share-it-all, it is.  See, his empire is based on showing all of the positivity in life. ALL OF THE POSITIVITY I SAID. And well, for billions of folks, births are the ultimate blessing, the most positive thing that you can experience, besides finding great shoes on sale in your size. But, I digress.

If DJ Khaled had not shared the birth of Asahd (lion) Tuck Khaled, his fan’s would have been livid. “Show us the cub!” could have easily become a roaring cry outside of the hospital. They ride for Khaled, and he rides for them. He says bless up, they say bless up. He says “they don’t want us to have [insert salad, poems, cars, health, love], so we’re going to have [insert salad, poems, cars, health, love].” DJ Khaled and his fans share an unconditional, reciprocal relationship, based on honesty and a commitment to keep it a buck. Fan love could have become fan unlove if he had not offered his most inspirational moment of all.

Image Credit: DJ Khaled Instagram

Image Credit: DJ Khaled Instagram

It’s a fine line. If sharing everything is your brand, then, well, you have to stay on brand. But, there’s a tasteful balance, and it seems, DJ Khaled, and his dynamic fiancée, Nicole Tuck, nailed it. Time Magazine, Cnet, Pitchfork and just about every pop culture platform shared Snapchat snippets from the ten-hour delivery.

Tell a Good Story

But let’s be clear – this is not for ERRRYBODY.  DJ Khaled gave an artistic performance, resplendent with his father’s curated images of a rent Khaled battling emotions.  Anxiety and fatigue were beaten back in waves by undulating joy and hope. The suspense was artfully drawn out,  a digital compassion taffy, stretched thin, yet sweet. Live video drew us in, hypnotically. Music (yes, he did play “Major Keys” and lots of reggae) fortified this Snapchat memoir with an undulating soundtrack. I mean , this was a pièce de résistance, and our hero, DJ Khaled emerged a happy father, stamped by the wee foot of his progeny. This was a course in positive vibes 101.

Image credit: DJ Khaled Instagram

Image credit: DJ Khaled Instagram

Keep It Positive

So, what is the proper social media share etiquette? What’s a no-go on social media? Gore. Violence, (see World Star Hip-Hop’s beat downs). Abusive-ish. Hidden camera business. Basically,  bully bizness. If you beat someone up, sneak videos, hurt animals, or show me close-ups of you chewing food like a cow, that’s  just wrong. There is nothing inspirational coming out of that kind of business. Nothing. Keep it positive fam. In the words of the King of Positivity, inspiration is a “major key.”

Social Media Lessons from DJ Khaled
