Facebook’s Messenger Day: What You Should Know

I remember when Snapchat first made it’s appearance on the tech scene. It was geared towards a younger generation and they loved that within 24 hours, the pictures faded away with no evidence of what was just captured. But Snapchat has done some serious growth in the past year and it’s now one of the top social media apps used—which is why everyone is trying to replicate what they’re doing with one of the more recent app additions “Stories”.
First Instagram joined in with their own Instagram Stories and now Facebook is hopping on the bandwagon as well with Messenger Day. Now before you get excited and start trying to update the masses with micro video stories, it’s not in the US just yet.
Facebook is professional about this—they’ve started rolling out Messenger Day in places where Snapchat isn’t as popular but Messenger is widely used. The first test market was Poland and now they’re testing in Australia—which is big because it’s their first test amongst English-speaking users.
How Does Facebook Messenger Day Work?
Very similar to that of Snapchat stories. It’s a rather simple storytelling device that makes it easy for Facebook users to share parts of their day with friends, family, and strangers. If you aren’t a lover of Facebook Messenger and this makes it through the testing stage, this may be what makes you fall in love. It offers conversation starters and topics to talk about with your friends, the ability to snap a photo or video and share, as well as a clean interface.
But here’s the real question…
Will There Be Filters?
Messenger Day still hasn’t worked out all of the details yet since it’s still being tested. Snapchat offers something Instagram Stories hasn’t offered nor Messenger Day has shown—filters. Now granted, the flower crown filter DOES get a little annoying since everyone has somehow become hippies. But it’s fun for social users and offers a unique element for businesses. If a business has a filter on Snapchat and people are just snapping away using the filter that’s really awesome (and organic) marketing.
How Can Messenger Day Be Capitalized On?
As a writer, influencer, and entrepreneur, this is question that I have. Snapchat Stories are an additional benefit that many influencers can offer brands that they work with. Another benefit that Snapchat offers is the ability to save a story as a memory that can be embedded into either a Facebook post or blog. With the potential of Messenger Day being introduced worldwide, this opens up an additional untapped platform—or is it overkill?
I’m a self-professed social media junkie so I’m sure that I’ll find someway to use the Messenger Day.
Do you use Snapchat or Instagram Stories? What’s your preference? Do you think there’s room for another storytelling platform?