How to Delete the Birthdays Calendar from Your Google Calendar

Google Calendar

Today, Google rolled out their updates to Google Calendar and I haven’t dug deep into it. BUT one feature stood out to me and annoyed the daylights outta me. It’s a new calendar you will see called “Birthdays.” It is placing the birthdays and anniversaries of our Google+ contacts in OUR calendars.

Google Calendar

I respect anyone I’ve added to my Google+ circles but I don’t need their birthdays all through my GCal. Not only does it clutter it, but it is something else to get a notification about. NOPE NOPE NOPE.

So it’s actually quite annoying that Google is forcing this on everyone. I dug deep to figure out the solution to delete it and I found one. Sharing here so you can be clutter-free too.

1. Click the Settings pinwheel on the top right hand corner of your Google Calendar.

2. Click the “Calendars” tab and notice how the “Birthdays” is greyed out. Google wants to make this very difficult for us.

Calendars tab 2

3. Scroll down and click the link that says “Browse interesting calendars.”

4. Here, click the tab that says “More.”

5. Click “unsubscribe” next to the “Birthdays.”

Birthdays unsubscribe

VOILA! It will be gone from your Google Calendar. You’re welcome.

Also, COME ON, GOOGLE! Stahp! We have the right to not get notifications anytime someone we have 1 meeting with is celebrating a born day.

Pin the image below so others can know to make this fix!

How to Delete the Birthdays Calendar from Your Google Calendar

Update (Jan. 14, 2015): Google disabled the option to use these steps from your desktop to get rid of the Birthday calendar. BUT if you do the exact same thing through your mobile app, it still works! This is according to a friend of mine who did just that. 
