Welcome to Awesomely Techie!

WELCOME to Awesomely Techie! This is a site that will be keeping you in check TECH with social media tips, blogging resources, gadget reviews and all things awesomely digital. It’s created by me, the pop culture geek behind Awesomely Luvvie.
The goal of this website is to bring information to everyone (techies AND non-techies, bloggers, smartphone users) that’ll help make your work life or personal life a bit less cumbersome. We will be talking about everything from our favorite apps to how you can grow your site traffic to websites that offer free stuff to entrepreneurs. We are totally about that budget business life. Think of Awesomely Techie like a regular conversation with friends about things pertaining to the internets, social media, gadgets and business. It’ll cover what I’m loving, not liking and what I shake my fists at.
* Will I be able to write for Awesomely Techie? Yes. Eventually but not right now. I’m still handpicking my contributors. Soon, I might allow anyone to submit content to it and have it posted once it’s been reviewed and ensured to be up to the standards I’m looking for.
* Are you gonna be reviewing stuff allatahm? Nah. The point of this site is not to fill your newsfeeds with reviews. Reviews will be there but they won’t be the majority of the content. And IF I (or any of the contributors) decide to review something, we’ll ALWAYS say whether it was given to us (or if it’s a sponsored post). AND we will be honest about our thoughts. If I say I like something, it’s not because I’m being compensated for it. I’d rather not even talk about a product than lie to y’all. That’s my promise.
So yeah. WHOOOOTTT! I hope you visit and getchu a piece of AwesomelyTechie.com and subscribe!