Just Do It: Innovate in the Tech Space

Opportunities in the world of technology for non-techies
Nowadays you don’t have to be a “techie” to do [tech] things. To be quite honest, all you need is your mind and you too can innovate in the tech space. If thinking about funding is a deterrent, you may not need to invest any money into your idea but there are resources if funding becomes necessary. There are so many opportunities for people that can think of ways to improve existing products and services, or simply find ways to streamline or automate processes.
For example, I know of an individual who works in television and is in the process of launching a new dating service with a twist. She knows that there are already tons of dating sites but she knows that they can be lucrative so she put on her thinking cap and thought of a way to enhance the offline/online dating experience using QR codes. Here is a link to the promo video and she is set to launch this month.
I know of another individual who thought of a way to streamline a process and make information more easily accessible. After working in the medical field for several years, she noticed that doctors read lots of medical journals, publications, etc., and she understood that they needed to recertify periodically to keep their licenses. Without any technical experience, she put together a tech team to turn publications into files that medical professionals can read on the go via an app on their laptop, iPad, or mobile device, and she also created a platform to help them recertify on the go. It has proven to be very lucrative and the products can be applied to other markets.
Those are just two examples but there are lots of success stories like them. Are your wheels turning? Just think, you could be the next one to develop a great technology-based product or service without any technical experience. Every day you use something, go somewhere, talk to someone, buy something, etc., pay attention. What are some things that already exist that you can improve? What is something that doesn’t exist but if it did, it could make your life easier? Once you think of it, write it down, flesh out the idea then seek out some resources to help you get started.
Here are a few suggestions:
Want to build an app or website yourself or learn how to code? Check out websites like SkillCrush.com, GirlDevelopIt.com, or Lynda.com.
Need funding for your project? Do some research to find out about venture capitalists in your area. Also, consider participating in app challenges, incubators, accelerators, or hackathons.
Want to connect with techies or know what’s happening in the tech industry? Check out tech co-working spaces, join tech groups on MeetUp.com, and subscribe to tech blogs and e-zines. You can also learn about what’s coming down the pipe on a national level through the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy site.
There are tons of resources available to help you innovate in the tech space, you just have to think, write then start. Why should you create or build something with technology? It’s simple: your idea could help improve your life and the lives of others. That’s it. Just do it.
Jumoke K. Dada, self-described as being “Legally AMBITIOUS”, is a marketing strategist, technologist, and philanthropist. After receiving a B.S. in Computer and Information Sciences and working in the field of Information Technology, she tapped into her creative side and launched Signature RED, a marketing and communications company that specializes in women. Amongst many other things, she is very active in her community and gives back to college-bound girls every summer through her Project A.L.O.E initiative. Follow her on Twitter: @JumokeRED