When You Run Your Own Business, Sometimes You Have to Fire Yourself

pink-slip fire yourself

I was sitting back looking at my mobile workspace (otherwise known as my car) and wondering who was going to do all the “must do” items on my list, while I sat, filling up already crowded spaces in my calendar? The answer is usually ME, but I didn’t have time for that.

Business is going relatively well. Steady and moving forward. When you’re an entrepreneur, it’s ideal to create a name for yourself, own a piece of this here American pie, write your own schedule, sign your own paychecks, deliver some goods and services to the world and all of that.

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Sounds simple and sounds like a bit of fun, right?

However, there is one thing you have to keep in mind: you may be gifted in that “thing” that made you start a business in the first place, but that does NOT mean you can do all of the jobs the company has to offer. I was doing business, earning business, learning business, growing business, presenting business, putting business online, selling business, publicizing business, and whatever else was needed to make it all work. Yeah, things were going well… until they weren’t.

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You see, I had been contemplating firing a couple of my employees for a while. Their butts needed to go! I had one employee who thought she could do everything, thus not doing most things well at all. She thought she was the master of all trades, picking up every job our company offered. And I let her. Though, she was fierce at the things she was most gifted in, eventually she was overwhelmed and tired and I bounced her. She was me! And she had to go. I was doing an adequate job, and that’s how one ends up defining one’s work and company, as simply adequate. Ugh!!!

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I couldn’t afford to keep jeopardizing the company I built and its brand by presenting it in such an amateur way. I did a reorganization of the company and made the smart decision to fire myself.

Operating as the owner, CEO, president and everything else of your business, is something that most of us do because we must. But before you tank your business and ruin your brand and reputation, know that you cannot do ALL things and expect to do them all well.

Hire a Professional Photographer

Stop taking sub-par pictures your and posting them on your company’s website. These pictures are your representative. Get yourself a good photographer and have them take some sharp, clean shots of you, your product and whatever else your business is about. As I saw it, I took all my pictures with a good camera and good lighting (a lamp) and like I said earlier… it was adequate. But adequate is not enough. It is not excellence.

Hire a Publicist/Public Relations Specialist

Find a good business writer to shout your praises. You’ll need a solid press release, brand statement, mission statement, value statement and an “about you” write-up. Most of us won’t even talk about ourselves enough to write a good enough statement that explains what we do. Let the professionals be your bullhorn. Plus, it won’t break the bank as much as you think it would. And it is absolutely worth it.

Hire a Website Designer

I was being schooled by Awesomely Luvvie on a few changes that needed to be made and didn’t even realize I had done my website a disservice with an antiquated looking website. She said, “you’ve got to get a proper About Page” and I looked up from taking notes and didn’t even realize I had wiped out the About page with my jacked website building skills. Double Ugh!!!

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I needed a fresh pair of eyes to tell me what the rest of the world sees when they look at our company’s website. Yikes! And I thought I was the bomb dot com, like really. One thing she was adamant about was the font Comic Sans. If someone uses or suggests using this, you’re supposed to punch them in the throat. Yeah, I’m not sure that was supposed to be the take away from our session, but I’m ready.

Related: How To Pick the Right Platform (WordPress, Tumblr or Blogger) For You

Get a Professional Logo Designed

Get one! A good one! Make sure it pops. Make sure it represents you well. I was appalled at the logo I created in MS Word (yeah, I said it… MS Word). It was cute, but it did not cut it. I gasped with disappointment and embarrassment when I saw my own logo in a publication. That is when I really knew I needed a change.

Bottom Line: Don’t be so impressed with yourself that you don’t allow and hire the pros to do what they do to really pull together a well-rounded presentation of you and your company – YOUR BRAND. When you fire yourself and only work the jobs of your calling, essentially, you’re able to operate in your gifts full on and with excellence. Additionally, you WILL drive more traffic to your business, thus, seeing more cash flow your way.

I just recently fired myself and my business is undergoing a rebranding because of it. Hand yourself a pink slip so you can prosper.

About the Author

Inspiring transformation of careers and personal development, Toni Jones Dixon is sincere and solutions focused! She is a passionate career management consultant and business owner. It is her joy to coach others in transition and strategically guide them in their life’s calling. She’s also a connoisseur of delicious desserts (NumYummies).
